Chipmunks & Butterscotch

Honestly, I wouldn’t know how to start a blog post about such a fantastic person! If you’re reading this post, you might think I’m exaggerating about how amazingly beautiful, kind, caring, loving, funny, silly, and every other great adjective there are to describe her. Still, I don’t think this post would even meet the mark. You would have to meet her for yourself!

To give you a bit of background as to why I call her butterscotch… She came up with the silliest nickname to describe me first, which is Munk…short for Chipmunk, because apparently, my cheeks (on my face) resemble a chipmunk’s cheeks. I mean, I don’t see it, but I’ll allow it cause I like her.

But moving on as to why I call her butterscotch. Other than the fact that she gave me such a fabulous nickname, I chose butterscotch because her skin is the color of butterscotch, in my opinion. Yep, that’s all. Nothing too profound about where her nickname came from. Now since we are done with that piece of the introduction, let’s get to know my blessed friend/sister a little better, shall we?

About Butterscotch:

Name: Brittni Turner

Age: 30 and Fabulous 

Height: A few inches shorter than me

Favorite Color: Blue

Favorite Food: Crab Legs (Specifically Red Lobster)

Favorite thing to do: Sing and serve others

The Amazing Brittni C. Turner

How we met: So I worked a Chick-fil-a for a few years, but I don’t necessarily remember the year I met her…probably around 2015 or 2016. But I remember coming into work and being assigned a headset (for drive-through), which also required me to make drinks. Brittini was stationed on the drive-thru window (she took the money and handed customers their orders.) This was my first time seeing her at Chick-fil-a.

She was very energetic and quick as she worked the drive-through window. She was able to hold a short/engaging conversation with the customers, all the while reciting their order back to them, swiping their card, and handing them their food. Many times, the customers were never aware that they received their full order. She was that fast and proficient at her job.

On top of that, I noticed that she liked things done in a certain way. She wanted the customer’s cups to be wiped off after I made them. (Many times soda, would splash on the outside of the cups.) that way, it was presentable to the customer. Now I won’t lie and say I didn’t think she was extra and unnecessary. However, I soon realized the importance of presentation and treating others how you would expect to be treated in a customer service environment. So she had a point. I mean, what she said made sense, so I did as told. Her worked ethic was something I truly admired. She exuded hospitality. (And still does to this day.)

Whenever she would repeat an order back to the customer, she would pronounce every last word and syllable. I could try to explain, but you honestly would have to hear for yourself. It tickled me so much because you would have thought she was trying to be funny, but nope that was just her. She wanted to clarify orders, and she had a unique way of doing it. And honestly, I believe the way she would repeat the orders back caused the customer to want to hear what she had to say.

Little did I know that after a few shifts working together, we would become close friends.

80s Day at Chick-fil-a

1 Thessalonians 5:11 So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing. (NLT)

How it all started: One day, I was having a terrible day at work. During that time, the people I worked with honestly annoyed me, and I wanted to find another job so bad. I wore my emotions on my face, and I didn’t care to hide them.

I vividly remember going to the coffee machine to check if it needed refilling and Brittni appeared right next to me and bluntly asked…

“Do you always look like that?”

Philippians 2:4 ‘Let each of you look not only to his interests but also to the interests of others.’ 

Her question caught me off guard and angered me at the same time. First off, I didn’t know her that well, and I didn’t feel she had a right to ask me that kind of question.

“Yes.” I responded, a bit irritated.

“I don’t think you do.” She replied. I was a bit in shock because how could she know unless she had been watching me. “We should talk after work.”

I was never one to tell people how I felt, and I wasn’t comfortable with a Chick-fil-a therapy session with a girl I barely knew. However, I did wait for her after work, and we talked on such a deep level. I soon realized that we were both dealing with our jobs’ pressures and struggles, and we both were tired.

I immediately gave her scriptures to recite, and she in turn offered to pray for me. And as the days went by, we made it a point to encourage each other throughout our time at work. Honestly, I never had someone who offered to help me stay encouraged. I was always the encourager who dealt with my issues in silence. But Brittni helped me understand the importance of having someone in your corner who can pour into and not just take.

Proverbs 27:17 As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. NIV

I can only remember one time getting into an argument with Brittini over the dumbest thing. But we made up like two hours later. And that just showed me how set we were in keeping our friendship healthy.

At a Chick-fil-a outing

I could talk all day about the things Brittni and I have helped each other through, but this blog post might turn into a web book if I do. I cannot express how much I admire her in this post alone! Not only has she been by my side, but she has proven just how great a friend she is more than people I have known longer than her. We both grew together, failed together, picked each other up, and even told each other what we didn’t want to hear at the time. But every time spent with her has never been pointless. I think I’m going to keep her around a little bit longer!

Fast-forward: Butterscotch and I are on two different career paths, but we still keep in contact after all these years. This is a friendship I REFUSE to lose! Though God is taking us on individual paths, we know that we can count on one another to be there in our time of need. I don’t see her every day, and I think the longest I went without seeing her was five months, but anytime we link up, it’s as if we’ve seen each other every day. I honestly have never met such a consistent person.

Proverbs 17:17 A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.

I’m so proud of all of the things my sister is accomplishing and setting out to do. She has written a book called Hospitality Recipes for Success (you can click to be redirected to Amazon!)

Brittni’s First Book

She is also in the process of perfecting her Hospitality Facebook page called Tasty Hospitality Recipes (you can click to be redirected to Facebook!)

Oh, I forgot to mention that HOSPITALITY is her passion and she is going to take that industry by storm!

I just felt it was necessary to brag on one of the women in my life who has always been by my side and who has encouraged me when I couldn’t do it myself. I’m so grateful that God gave my Butterscotch the spirit that she has and that she can share it with me and the world!

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